Access France Galop tracking data

The most advanced data offer in the racing world!
All national meetings on 36 racetracks, historic database from January 2021

JSON format tracking files

If you're familiar with processing data files, and would like to carry out an analysis or create elements based on tracking data, this offer is for you. You'll find over 35 indicators for each horse, 10 times per second: speed, distance, geolocation, ranking, strides...

Also available in a “sectional” version, i.e. a dozen indicators for every section (100m or 200m).

Files are available for purchase (history since January 2021) or by subscription.

Real time race data feeds

If you're familiar with processing data files, and would like to carry out an analysis or create elements based on tracking data, this offer is for you.
You'll find over 35 indicators for each horse, 10 times per second: speed, distance, geolocation, ranking, strides...

Also available in a “sectional” version, i.e. a dozen indicators at every section (100m or 200m).

Real time and replay web platform

Experience the races differently with tracking data in real time or replay on Spectator.

Map, standings, section times, distance to 1st, instant speed... it's all there on Spectator to let you experience the races through McLloyd data.

Available by subscription with a 2-week free trial. Request your access at

Spectator web platform preview